Footnotes for Chapter X. Moreover, the liquid is still as smooth as pure water. 1 This Cp. What’s the difference between the two vases? They have the same liquid. Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes, Section 20.

They each have air in them, and they are open! Why is one of them dying while the other is pure? The only difference between them is that in the first instance, the dusts suspended in air as well as their germs could get to the bottom of the bottle, and get in contact with the liquid, in which they are able to find food and developinto tiny organisms. 2 Lewy, ‘Betrachtung d. For the other flask, in contrast it is inconceivable or at best difficult, unless the air is shaken vigorously, dust suspended in air can get into the vase, and drop on the neck’s curves. Russischen,’ Zeitsch. f. slaw.

When air flows into and out of the vase by diffusions or changes in temperature, with the latter not happening in a hurry it is gradually enough to drop particles and germs it is carrying at when the neck opens, or within the initial curves. Philolog., Bd. ii., 1925. The experiment is filled with instructions.

3 "Let not the blackness make you despair. . . . It should be notedthat anything that is in air, aside from dust, can easily get into to the vase, and then come in touch with liquid. The face of your face is beautiful and thy eyebrow is noir’ (from Bullen, More Lyrics from Elizabethan Song-Books, p. 65). Imagine what is within the air: magnetic fields, electricity or ozone, undiscovered forces and even more, all could get into the infusion. Lilly’s observation towards the end of the 16th century (in Alexander and Campaspe ) is worth noting"Often due to dissimulation, they’re called handsome and are known to have black hair.’ Cp. further, this Sonnet from Sidney’s Astrophel and Stella and the declaration of a love interest about his dark lover from love’s Labour’s Lost: ‘And therefore she was born to make black fair..’ There is only one thing that cannot get in easily, and that’s dust, suspended in the air. 4 Journ.

The proof is that shaking the vase with a violent force twice or three times, after just a few days, the vase is contaminated with the spores or mold. Anthrop. Why? because air has entered with enough force to carry dust with it. Inst., 1905. So gentlemen, I could draw attention to the liquid and tell you, I’ve extracted my tiny drops of liquid from the vastness of creation, and have filled it with the elements necessary for the development of lower beings.

5 In the making of the word’mob’ that was discovered beginning in the seventeenth century and is derived from the Latin mobile vulgus has an unconscious racism be at play? Then as I observe, I ask questions about the liquid, asking it to return for me the amazing sight of the first creation. 6 Parsons"On the Long Barrow Race,’ and so on., Journal. It’s dumb, stupid because these experiments were initiated a few years ago. Anthrop. They are dumb because I have hidden it from what that man cannot create, the germs floating through the air, and from Life, because the life of a person is germs, and germs are Life. Inst., Bd. li., 1921.

It is unlikely that the idea of spontaneous generation be able to recover from the fatal hit from this simple experiment. 7 "The essay Laws of inheritance 7 ‘The Laws of Inheritance’ Biometrica, vol. iii., 1903. Translation taken from The Life of Pasteur , Pages. 141-142 . 8 Beddoe, ‘Die Rassengesch. d. brit. No, there is currently no scientifically proven scenario where it is established that microscopic organisms have come into the world free of germs, or parents who were identical to them. Inseln,’ Polit.-anthrop. People who claim this are deceived by a false notion or by poorly-designed tests, and ruined by errors which they didn’t see or do not know what to do about.

Revue, Bd. iii., 1904. Translation from The Life of Pasteur p. 142 Maintenant, messieurs, il y aurait un beau sujet a traiter : c’est celui du role, dans l’economie generale de la creation, de quelques-uns de ces petits etres qui sont les agents de la fermentation, les agents de la putrefaction, de la desorganisation de tout ce qui a eu vie il la surface du globe. 9 Cp. Ce role est immense, merveilleux, vraiment emouvant.

Zeitschr. f. rztl. Un jour peut-etre me sera-t-il donne de vous exposer ici quelques-uns de ces resultats. Fortbildung, No.

4, 1926. Dieu veuille que ce soit encore en presence a une aussi brillante assemblee! Ladies and gentlemen, you will hear a stunning tale: what is the significance, within the whole design of creation, certain of these tiny creatures who play the role of fermentation as well as the agents of the disorganization and putrefaction of everything life has brought to the earth’s surface. 10 The Potential Improvement of the Human Breed in 1901 (reprinted in Essays in Eugenics, 1909). This is a huge role amazing, truly powerful. 11 As the history of racial discrimination of Germany has been delved into by the Rassenkunde des deutschen Volkes, only a few facts are presented here.

Maybe someday I’ll get the opportunity] to present some of the outcomes. 12 The practice for burials at graveyards ( Reihengrber ) had been transferred from the Germans. Let God bless me to be with this magnificent group! 13 And By Grant and Stoddard The two will be discussed in the next chapter. Discours de reception de Louis Pasteur (1882) [ edit ] 14 When looking into the movement of an area, too much emphasis is placed on the issue of migration, foreign troops marching through, etc as well as a lot of emphasis on the birth-rates of the various classes.

One who declares belief in the Infinite and that no one is able to ignore it — is able to include more supernatural elements than can be found in the many supernatural manifestations of every religion as the concept of the Infinite is a dual concept that is imposed upon us yet is utterly unfathomable. 15 Franc, Mnchen, 1920. For as long as the mysterious nature of the infinite affects human thinking Temples will be built to honor the Infinite regardless of regardless of whether God is known as Brahma, Allah, Jehovah, or Jesus and on the streets inside these temples humans will be seen kneeling down, and destroyed with the thought about the Infinite.

16 ‘Eine Schulkinderuntersuchung,’ etc., Arch. f. The Greeks knew the potential of the mysterious aspect of the world. Anthrop., Bd. xxvii., 1901. They gave humanity one of our most stunning phrases that we have spoken –"enthusiasm" "enthusiasm" -"en theos" [En Theos"A god" — meaning a god in the midst of us. 17 Cp. Humanity’s grandeur can be measured by the motivation from which they originate. The portraits of the great Germans found in my Rassenkunde of the deutschen Volkes (chaps. Blessed is the one who has within him the idea of God and an ideal and who is obedient to it: ideal of art Ideal of science ideal of the gospel virtues wherein are the springs of great ideas and grand actions.

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