They may reduce heart rate, blood pressure, pounding of the heart, and shaking voice and limbs. Because of that, they may work best when used infrequently to control symptoms for a particular situation, such as giving a speech. They’re not recommended for general treatment of social anxiety disorder. Anxiety can be difficult to handle even in the best of times.

Challenge the negative thoughts as they arise.

Although having anxiety can make it very difficult to function on a daily basis for some people, others may live with more high-functioning types of anxiety. Social anxiety and depression can and often do occur together. Read on for the reasons why, as well as how to manage your symptoms. Here are six tips to help you begin dating with anxiety. Do a cognitive behavioral therapy “Thought Record” in advance to challenge any negative thoughts.


Social anxiety can make dating tricky … or, if I’m totally honest, it makes it a nightmare. As someone who hates interviews, my performance on a date was never going to be great. After all, a first date is essentially just an extremely personal work interview — except with cocktails (if you’re lucky).

At the end of the day, when you have a more accepting and appreciative attitude toward the people you meet, you’re more likely to believe that they feel the same way about you. The ‘need’ to be accepted can hence be substantially reduced. Try to reduce your people-pleasing attitude, and focus on your date instead,” Shambhavi tells us. Even the slightest delay from their end is enough to convince you that they’re not interested. Often to save yourself yet another rejection, you may even take a step back and abandon the idea of ever seeing them again.

After all, it may make them feel like their condition is a burden, which can further fuel any anxious thoughts about the relationship. However, this can prove counterproductive since they most likely already know that what they’re feeling may be irrational. When you’re dating someone with anxiety, it can be tempting to reassure them by telling them there’s nothing to be afraid of.

This fear of social situations can seriously affect a person’s life, leading them to prefer “safe” situations where there are minimal people involved. When you’re dating someone with social anxiety, you both might find it difficult to find somewhere to go. After all, it needs to be enjoyable enough for the two of you, but also a non-threatening environment to keep anxiety at a minimum. If they refuse, try to involve a close family member of the sufferer. That is why we asked our Mighty mental health community who struggle with anxiety what their ideal date would be. Because mental illness can — but shouldn’t — get in the way of enjoying yourself in the company of someone you’re getting to know or love.

In this case, honest communication can help curb any negative thoughts, allowing you and your partner to be on the same page. Not only will this help you give more insightful advice, but doing so will also allow you to broaden your awareness of the condition. So, instead of offering advice based on your perspective, try to be more empathetic and see the world in their shoes.

If you do have enough bravery to go to an event and try to meet people, then make sure you start strong. Talk to the first people you see and introduce yourself. Those that wait and wait and wait are only going to experience more anticipatory anxiety, which will likely make their overall anxiety worse.

It may help to attend a support group for loved ones of people with anxiety. Ask your partner’s therapist for a recommendation or look for one in your area online. If you are feeling anxious in a social situation, you might want to try being a bit more curious.

In addition to the wide variety of services offered, the center will provide supportive and education programming for families. Women tend to worry more about what people will think of them. They often feel that everything, from their nails to their shoes, is an opportunity for someone to judge them.

It will help you develop the skills necessary to understand and cope with your partner’s anxiety. A therapist can also teach you how to more effectively support your anxious partner. Sometimes anxious thoughts motivate your partner to act in ways that stress you out and strain the relationship.

“Anything not in the center of public, preferably in nature. Like a picnic or a beach visit at night, or a camping trip with just the two of us. Things like going out to dinner or movies just set my anxiety off because I’m too anxious about public affection. That’s my comfort zone and I won’t psych myself out thinking of the what-ifs.