You’ll learn something new and have some fun tidbits to talk about. Just remember to talk about each fact and not just fire off facts rapid fire. This will let you know how much she procrastinates as well as letting you know about what some of her goals are and what she finds important.

Is there any food you don’t eat?

A pretty random question, but great for seeing what she isn’t into. It can definitely lead to some interesting answers and you’ll learn a lot more about how much she likes / dislikes travel. A little different spin on the normal “what’s your favorite / most used app” question. We’ve all got apps on our phones (usually self-improvement / education apps) that we mean to start using but never get around to. Try to think of facts that the other person doesn’t know.

“It’s hard to avoid topics like religion and politics,” Tracy says. “[But] It’s more acceptable to talk about those things on a first date [these days].” Concerned about bringing up a touchy subject? Ask them if it’s cool to talk values before you dive right in, Tracy suggests. It can be boring to only talk about work on a date. That said, a person’s job does take up a large part of their life, so it’s no surprise that you’re going to have to ask them about their occupation to learn more about them.

Days-to-Lean Meal Plan

Once the ice has been broken on a date, you probably want to know more about this guy on a personal level. The answers to these questions will probably give you a good overall idea of who he is as a person, and if the two of you are compatible with each other. These are some of the most essential questions to ask a guy in the first couple of dates.

Not only that, but studies show that funny singles are even more attractive. We teach you how to find, flirt with, date, and court various women at the same time. Now, you really need to gauge a woman’s sense of humor before going the cheesy pickup line route. This is one of the many reasons I encourage guys to read a woman’s complete profile before messaging her. Her profile is basically a guidebook on what types of things would be good to mention in an opening line and continued messages.

For example, maybe her profile says, “I have a weakness for people who make me laugh, who will volunteer with me, and believe in giving back.” It’s a question posed by TikToker Clarke Peoples — and one that seems to have social media divided. If you think maybe we could be right for each other, send me a message! I’m kind of shy, but if you reach out, I come out of my shell.

Also, through this, you can get a glimpse of all the qualities that you possess and the one that you don’t. Will is a writer, coach and life lover who enjoys helping people reach their potential. He loves to test different apps and sites and share his experience on DatingXP.

It also gives you the chance to express yourself and let them learn a bit about yourself. It is a lighthearted question that will offer you information on what a typical weekend looks like for your new love interest. It could also be something you spot in their photos, like a pet or a location you have also visited. The important thing is not to read too much into the shared interest to the point where you scare them away by seeming obsessive.

This is one that she’ll probably have to take some time to think about, because it’s not a common question. But it can be a lot of fun to answer and can be quite thought provoking as well. Plus, she’ll get to tell a story about her past and how it affects who she is today; which is always good to know.

How many times have you started a conversation on one silly topic, and you end up discussing something with import? Believe it or not, food is one of the best triggers for that. Asking about the kind of food your date won’t eat can lead to conversations about allergies, bad date experiences, or PTSD if you ask the right follow up questions. Framing the question like this helps because you will get to learn more about their preferences.

Frame the painting and give it to her as a present while asking her to be your girlfriend. The painting itself might turn out to be awful, but even you can admit some of the greatest art pieces aren’t exactly pretty. Your girl will appreciate the effort, time, and uniqueness of this idea. If he says something that really makes him angry, it can give you a good insight into whether he’s reasonable or not.

The best questions are entertaining to ponder, and specific enough that coming up with a response is easy. When your question makes her feel something, you form an instant bond. In her mind, she’s connected your profile with an emotion. If it’s a pleasurable one, she’s much more likely to respond to you.