Physical touch can be as intimately personal as sex or as subtle as a squeeze of the knee at a large dinner party. If your partner isn’t aware that you value physical touch, you might find yourself in a relationship where you aren’t satisfied . Making them aware of this can make all the difference, as they’re now able to read the room or gauge situations to recognize when you need to hold hands to feel a sense of security, admiration and support. You may know or suspect that one of your partner’s strongest love languages is the act of giving and receiving gifts. Or perhaps gifts are your love language and you’re looking for a better way to communicate your needs.

People who “speak” this love language simply enjoy human contact, whether it’s with a hug after a long day or just sitting near someone. If your love language is physical touch, then that means you prefer physical expressions of love over all over expressions. This may seem self-explanatory, but there are both intimate and non-intimate touches that can and should be used to show your partner love. Obviously, the way you can and should touch others really comes down to the relationship you share. Expressing affection through physical touch can happen through small physical gestures, like a hug or snuggling. If appropriate, it can also involve more intimate contact like kissing, and yes, sexual activities.

After you get the basics down, you’ll have the perfect excuse to rub one another… Discovering your love languages together is an opportunity to communicate and stretch your relationship skills to make sure both of your needs are met. Touch from someone you have romantic feelings for in a way that’s meant to strengthen your emotional bond or excite you sexually is romantic! Touch between you and someone you have a platonic emotional bond with is not romantic. In one study, researchers showed that physical touch helps alleviate loneliness, lessens feelings of neglect, and improves heart rate.

Acts of service is not as straightforward as the other love languages since it largely depends on your subjective experience and the priorities you have in your life. Observation can only go so far, and since you can’t read each other’s minds, it’s important that there are conversations about met and unmet expectations and what both parties are hoping for. This can defuse underlying tension and conflict later on. Every time someone I know changes their relationship status on Facebook or has some overly adorable back and forth with their partner on Twitter or Instagram, a part of me dies. (And I’m a words of affirmation girl!) But then I have to take a breather and realize that for some such displays are absolutely necessary in them feeling loved. Announcing on Facebook just how amazing your partner is may not be as romantic as shouting it from a mountaintop, but it may be just what your partner needs.

If you know anything about math, you probably know that adding two things together can create an even bigger sum. That principle is no different when it comes to pampering someone based on their love languages. While many people have a single primary love language, lots of people have two different ones clustered near the top of their results. The idea behind love languages is not a complicated one. The theory holds that “there are five ways in which people predominantly give and receive love,” says Kerri Middleton, sex and relationship expert at Bathmate.

If a long-term relationship is going to persist, you have to be continuously learning about your partner. No one likes being taken for granted and being taken for granted happens when we stop learning and caring about each other. So with that in mind, here are the most important things to know if you’re dating someone whose love language is acts of service. For people whose primary love language is quality time, they never lose sight of the fact that time is limited and tomorrow is not promised. As a result, they view time together as a priceless gift that they want to give and receive in relationships. To them, life is about being in the moment more than it is about what you are doing.

Maybe your partner only has a few hours between their morning workout and their first work meeting. Make sure you have coffee and breakfast ready to go. Those times you want to be able to trust your partner with your day-to-day responsibilities.

That sensation of squeezing something helps to relieve pent up frustration you may have from not being able to physically be with your partner. Not only does it affirm the person you are dating is actually the person that they say they are but it helps develop a connection that allows you to become more intimate with each other. We have a lot of fun doing this because it allows us to pay more attention to our own bodies and learn about each other’s body. When you move around together you can feel what your partner is feeling and it is also a great way to stay active. I made a pokeball picture frame for Tuomas when we first started dating and he even took it to his parents house during the quarantine.

What You Should Know About Someone Whose Love Language Is “Quality Time”

Make note of every relevant birthday, holiday, and anniversary and plan on celebrating them all somehow. This love language could be hard for some people to understand because some people don’t like to be touched. Then there are some people who believe that touching only leads to more sexual and sensual things.

It felt, every time, abusive and purposefully neglectful. That’s the whole point; it’s all the more reason to huddle together for… warmth. Bring a thermos of hot chocolate and take advantage of the setting and the closeness to really talk and connect. Similarly, just because you enjoy sex and desire a lot of it doesn’t mean physical touch is your preferred method. A survey by Truity, a company offering personality tests, recently shared their finding of seven love styles based on a survey of over 500,000 people.

·         Spice Up Your Sexual Life

If you and your partner do not agree on a fundamental level when it comes to money, deciding to merge assets, later on, can result in huge fallouts and, potentially, the dissolution of the relationship. While there are numerous philosophies on how to best manage your money, it is critical that you and your partner are on the same page on this subject. Listen to them, and you and your partner must reassure them. You and your partner must be open and honest about what you and your partner enjoy doing. They will be overjoyed to learn that you did something extraordinary just for them. Your partner will notice how attentive you are to them and how much you care about what they have to say.

How to Show Physical Touch in Long-Distance Relationships

You don’t have to be all about sex if you have physical touch as your love language. Don’t worry if you’re in a non-sexual relationship or if you’re unable to have sex with your spouse due to distance, postpartum, or PTSD. We look at simple techniques to give and receive physical touch with your spouse, no matter where you are . If you’re looking for better understanding and communication in a relationship, the original love languages can be a good start, but there are other tools you can use. Let’s be clear that this is appropriate, consensual physical touch, which looks different depending on the situation and the type of relationship you have with the person.

Talk about Previous Intimate Memories

Does your other half start every single day with a steaming cup of coffee? Sign them up for a monthly coffee subscription so they no longer have to pick it up at the grocery store. Once it arrives, show them you really care by vowing to take over brewing duty. It’s an especially fitting act of service gift for the holidays—who doesn’t love a hot drink in cold weather? Tea drinkers can check out Atlas Tea Club for a similar subscription service.

When you’re on the couch together, make an effort to cuddle, or at least hold their hand or rest your arm on them. Initiates sex with you, you view it as a strong expression of love. Going out on dates isn’t your favorite part of being in a relationship. Small things like laying your head on your partner’s shoulder and having someone to cuddle with at night are your favorite things.