It’s an opportunity to take a broader look at the world around us, to improve our communications with others, and learn about differing cultures and customs that can enrich our everyday lives. The awkward early years of racial integration jump-started interracial dating. Today, seven percent of the population claims a mixed race heritage. The number is growing rapidly, with most interviewee’s stating pride in their multiracial origins and claiming their heritage has made them more open to other cultures. It was an era of general agreement on civil rights, but there weren’t very many among the Depression Years parents who were prepared to bring racial integration into the home.

The book, “Interracial Relationships Between Black Women and White Men,” includes real stories of romantic relationships – from dating, marriage to divorce – between black women and white men. Less than a century ago, interracial dating was something you didn’t talk about, and something to hide if you did prefer a person of a different color. There were few places you could go to safely without causing some sort of scandal, and even fewer people who were willing to listen with understanding. Here, SELF spoke to three married interracial couples about what it feels like to love each other during this moment in history. Their responses have been edited and condensed for clarity. It has been long noted that different types of ethnic groups are the targets of varying forms of prejudice and discrimination.

Black people who have such light skin that they are mistaken for white people are called “passers.” (The full term is white-passing, though my ex-girlfriend never used that word). From overtly sexual messages to microaggressions disguised as compliments, dealing with racial fetishization on dating apps has become a large part of dating for Black women like Autumn, and many other people of color. But as dating apps continue to surge in popularity, fighting racism within dating means understanding how both users and popular app technology contribute to discrimination.

We, as a society, want to think that solving racism is really easy, because we don’t want to actually have to do the emotional, intellectual, and grueling work that will take to actually dismantle racism. When I discussed this with Black women, I found that some of those “teachable moments” were not only familiar to me personally (I’ve been in interracial relationships), but they also show up in pop culture. For example, there was the “washcloth debate” between Tichina Arnold and Beth Behrs in a fall 2018 episode of the CBS sitcom The Neighborhood .

This is especially important when it comes to asking questions. If you haven’t dated outside your cultural or ethnic background, you’re potentially missing out on some amazing men and experiences. Here are 15 reasons why it’s a great idea to expand your dating horizons.

For instance, we talk about why relationships involving Black men and white women attract more attention and often appear more taboo than relationships between Asian women and white men. We get into concepts such as “yellow fever.” I do a case study on media coverage of Meghan , Duchess of Sussex, and Prince Harry. We also take some time to look at interracial relationships among people of color and interracial LGBTQ relations. Yes, of course, interracial couples are in love just like any other couple is in love, but there are some things that only occur in interracial relationships.

The growth of interracial relationships in the last 20 years certainly demonstrates that we’ve progressed towards accepting these kinds of relationships and racial equality overall, but we have a long way to go. In a perfect world, race would not be an issue, but it is, and it’s ok for interracial partners to acknowledge that. Every relationship, interracial or not, comes with its own issues. Much can be said regarding the harassment of interracial couples.

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But experts believe the responsibility for combatting racism on dating apps falls on both users and apps — individuals must confront their “preferences,” and apps need to create a space that fosters racial equity. ” is one of the very few areas of life where people feel entitled to say, ‘I am not into a certain person because of their race,’ or adversely, ‘I am really into a person because of their race’,” Taft says. So I have a take on why BW get so much more shit for interracial dating than BM… Just this morning I posted a picture of me with my boyfriend on my Facebook account. But at the same time, some white people are creating a narrative that they are being marginalized and are facing a demographic decline.


It goes both ways in my experience, pretty much for the same reason. Because black women do so much for us, dating outside of our race is seen as not respecting them or viewing them as inferior. My brother and I got a lot of shit for it from our family when we were each in high school when the reality was that there just weren’t a lot of black people in the area. I did a lot of my data collection around the time when more attention was being given in the news to police brutality toward Black people, and particularly Black men.

Early in their relationship, Harry was even forced to defend Meghan from those who were making racist types towards her. As of , interracial marriages were at an all-time high, according to NewsWeek. I became interested in the dating and marriage prospects of young black women thirty years ago. Living in Evanston, Illinois, I met numerous middle to upper middle class black families residing in several North Shore communities.

Obviously his first reaction was unacceptable and I made that very clear, but I am proud of him for working to adjust the way he was raised to think. My partner’s aunt was also apparently very vocal before we started dating about how wrong she felt it was for men of color to date white women. Our experiences have been very minor compared to stories I’ve heard from other people, I can’t imagine how much worse it would be in other parts of the country. In my work, which is interview-based and focused on heterosexual couples in interracial relationships, I show that these couples still have to contend with racism or with race because they’re socialized in this country. They come into relationships with certain ideas around race, and how certain people of certain races interact with others.

As a black man, it invalidates the authenticity of any relationships I have with white women. This ideal is why Elliot Rodger felt he had a right to start shooting—because he couldn’t get a white woman to go with his BMW. In wealthier places in the world, certain races and even religions don’t practice interracial relationships.

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The researchers hypothesized that this pattern of results was due to perceived mating competition. To the extent that one desires to marry within one’s own race, interracial unions potentially pose a threat by reducing the available dating pool. This is especially true when members of the opposite sex are far more likely to marry out of their race.