They tend to take charge of a situation, and guide a group towards those activities and experiences which will help them learn and grow. They intuitively see the potential in people, and with charisma and warmth, they encourage others to pursue greater development of their strengths. They are typically dynamic and productive, and are often visibly energized when leading others to discover new knowledge. ENFJs are idealist organizers, driven to implement their vision of what is best for humanity. They often act as catalysts for human growth because of their ability to see potential in other people and their charisma in persuading others to their ideas. They are focused on values and vision, and are passionate about the possibilities for people.

In essence, what INTPs look for is an intellectual partner whom they could spend quality time discussing theories and possibilities. But this is just broadly taken, as INTPs are somewhat notorious when romantic relationships are in question. In the case of the INTP personality type, in addition to ENTJ or ESTJ, other personality types can also be an interesting match, depending on the person’s identity, habits, and preferences.

Their altruism is a significant motivator for them, and it will drive them to improve continuously. Being as flexible as they are, ENFJ compatibility is not particular about finding a specific set of traits attractive in a partner. While they enjoy being organized and in control, having a list of characteristics for their partner is one thing they will not pre-plan. It is also important to make an effort to understand the ENFJ’s feelings and values and offer your own support in return. When in a longer-term relationship, ENFJs will even take on their partners’ goals as their own. They are intuitively aware of other people’s feelings and tend to place the needs of others before their own.

If you’re used to partners who play games or withhold affection, going out with a Protagonist can feel like a breath of fresh air. These types, including your own INFJ personality type, will feel most similar to you. When the ENFJ really wants to be with someone, their flirting can become a bit more obvious. They want to be sure this individual is aware of their feelings, and so their flirtatious behavior can be rather forward at times. They try to express their feelings outright so that this person knows their intentions and won’t assume the ENFJ wants someone else.

What are ENFJ relationships?

It is not uncommon for someone with the ENFJ personality type to be attracted to an INFP or INTP. Across almost all types, the most compatible combination is with someone of an identical type. Within this general trend, the degree of compatibility varies slightly.

For some background, i’ve been dating my boyfriend for about a year and a half and i definitely feel like we’ve come to a hard bump in the road recently with communication. I personally still feel very much in love and see a future with him but it has been hard recently just because i haven’t been feeling very appreciated. Granted this is because we are long distance and he has a hard time saying his emotions.

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When ENFJs are upset, they have no qualms about expressing it outwardly, even if their preference is to avoid conflict. However, they can become disheartened if their partner does not return their appreciation or emotional expression of their love. ENFJs can be very idealistic, and they treat their relationships accordingly.

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You want someone who can see the deepest depths of your soul, even pieces of yourself you have trouble accessing, and want to get closer and closer. You’re perfectly content alone, doing your own thing and following your own path — but you’re always open to the excitement of someone who triggers your emotional side. You want to feel inspired by the connection you create with another human being; someone you want to write about, sing about, and finally open up to. You’re not sure what the person will be like, but you know the feelings you’ll have when you find them.

When they go into a perfectionistic tailspin, they might need your help breaking out of it. Or, as another option, you can put on some music, start a dance party in the kitchen, and help your Protagonist remember that a little spontaneous fun can be a very good thing. Talking openly instead of withdrawing is perhaps one of the best steps INFJs can take to make the biggest difference in long term relationships and friendships alike. You’re intuitive, deep, caring, and generally pretty awesome at picking up on the feelings of others.

If they have found the ‘perfect’ partner, INTPs will show great enthusiasm for spending quality time together and please their partner the best way they could. Bearing this in mind, looking from the MBTI partner compatibility perspective, the best INTP romantic matches are ENTJ, ENTP, or ESTJ. Many other areas of these two personalities have been very similar, but the way that these two will want to live may be very different. The ENFJ personality likes to have a sense of order and cleanliness to spaces so that they aren’t distracted by clutter and disorganization. As mentioned earlier, these two personalities are similar in the sense that they want to help and understand others. They can put themselves in the shoes of others to see where they are coming from so that they are not acting irrationally or unfairly.

An ENFP in love will be open to compromise and will ensure their partner’s needs are met. The ENFP in love is fun to be around, as they are lively and upbeat, and they have a lot of energy. Per The Myers & Briggs Foundation, the ENFP partner brings traits like enthusiasm, energy, warmth, and imagination to the relationship.

On the negative side, the imaginative ENFJ may begin to feel bored with his or her ESTJ partner who is very down to earth. ENFJs want someone more romantic, but ESTJs are naturally practical, logical and very businesslike. However, being the most introverted extravert, the ENTP is more assertive and needs some time alone. As people with this personality type enjoy helping others, it is important to make an ENFJ feel appreciated and acknowledged.