Sometimes, when there is an imbalance in a relationship between two individuals, there is always one person that is forever making the plans to meet up. If the guy you are dating wants to be with you exclusively, you’ll notice that he is happy to instigate plans with you as opposed to you always suggesting a meetup. Men tend to be fairly practical in sex, so if he gives you his key, you can take it as one of the signals that he wants you in his life for the long term. He will only give his key to someone that he has strong feelings about and won’t give it out to anyone he has lukewarm emotions for. If he hasn’t asked you to be exclusively together yet, you can be sure he’s going to soon if has already given you his key.

He makes plans and dates well in advance

People might also try to fight their feelings if they
‘shouldn’t’ be with the person they have feelings towards in other people’s
eyes. For example, if they are work colleagues or even worse if you are their
friends ex-girlfriend. They are trying to hide and fight what they feel,
because they know that other people will think that it’s wrong. One of the main signs that a man is into you is if he looks at
you. He will keep his eyes on you the whole time you are around him, because he
wants to take all of you in.

He might send you funny jokes or memes on social media because he wants to share a laugh with you or thought it would brighten your day. This is one of the big signs a guy thinks about you, because it shows he has a special way of interacting with you unlike anyone else. You know how you and your friends have your own jokes with each other? One of the best parts of dating someone new is the honeymoon phase, when all you can think about is being together.

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A strong sign that a guy has a crush on you is if he’s constantly helping you out with stuff. That he doesn’t want to rush the relationship
Often saying that you are special could indicate that your man wants to take things slow. If he says that you are special for him and nothing more then he might be feeling that things are progressing too fast in the relationship and it’s time to slow down.

Where they’re at in life and what they want right now plays a big part in whether dating them is likely to become exclusive or not. Not everyone is into public displays of affection but if he is happy to hold your hand in the street or give you a kiss when you’re out, it’s certainly a good sign. But if he is happy to hold off on the physical side until you feel ready and wants to get to know each other first, then he clearly respects your wishes and thinks you are worth it. Taking care of you is all part of his biological hero instinct (wanting to be seen as a hero in the eyes of the woman he’s attracted to).

If you hate human contact when you are sick, he makes it a point to be out of the house when you have a cold. If he knows what you need and gives it to you, it is likely he thinks you’re the one for him. He might think you are the one if he is happy to have you join him and the boys for a ball-game or if he invites you to join him and his friends when they go out.

The above link will give you $50 off your first session – an exclusive offer for Love Connection readers. A few months ago, I reached out to Relationship Hero when I was going through a tough patch in my relationship. And this has a knock-on effect on everything else in our lives, including our relationships. But when you learn to trust yourself and tap into the incredible pool of power within you, you’ll find what you’ve been searching for all along. So he’ll be very aware that if he wants you to truly take an interest in him he’s going to have to clearly demonstrate value. Women these days have a wide choice when it comes to mates.

Let’s say you’re having a casual chat about the dinner you went to with your girlfriends. He will pick up on the excitement in your voice and want to know whether the restaurant is somewhere you enjoy going to. That now you are exclusive
When a man says that you are special he could mean that now you are an exclusive couple. If you have been casually dating for a while then this could indicate that he wants to be with you and would like to see how the relationship progresses. Mark must make his boss happy after the latter had a short-lived romance with Sam. Woody encounters a promiscuous woman from the afterlife.

Whether it is buying extra blackberries at the store or agreeing to watch your soap opera instead of the game, he makes it clear that you are his priority. If he thinks you’re the one for him, he wants you to be with him years from now. He mentions you when he talks about the future both with you and with his friends. He might mention that he wants to live in the suburbs one day and ask how you feel about leaving the city. He could ask how many children you would want or what your thoughts are on a destination wedding. If he doesn’t look forward to spending time with you, you aren’t the one for him.

Do NOT settle here or you are sure to end up broken-hearted. The right man for you will not only accept exclusivity but will WANT you to be his one and only. Hepays how to see who likes you on without paying And if the man you’re seeing doesn’t do this, admit he’s not the right man. It’s time for understanding men and if he’s still looking, he’s NOT loyal to you.